Leshop.ch IA Redesigning (15k daily users)

Facundo Almeyra
3 min readJun 6, 2020


Company: leshop.ch (The leading Swiss online supermarket) Role: UX & Design Lead


We redesigned the architecture of the product catalog since it grew so much and became very difficult to browse. The users also did not have the possibility to refine their search since we did not set up any filters at this point.

During many years our catalog was growing up to 33 main entrances, 300 secondary ones, and +3040 third entrances… 😮

How did we manage to restructure the information architecture?


User-friendly IA & navigation

We realized that we had many specific categories but lacked spaces to inspire our clients (for example a space with only best deals, important brand offers, etc..). Implementing a Shop in Shop approach allowed us to generate value and confidence to our customers.

We did 2 days of usability test moderated by the agency Ratio in the heart of Lausanne and recruiting test users by TestingTime.


Smooth user flow and consistent design

After 6 months of work, we managed to implement the project and offered a brand new proposal with a smart categorization system focused on our customer's needs. The filters that we’ve integrated helped the customers to fill their cart more efficiently.


Users use the filters in the search after implementation


Increase the possibility of purchase in search after implementation of filters


Of the daily user's traffic on the Discounts & Organic pages.


Time save to fill a basket ready to checkout

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Copyright ©2020 Facundo Almeyra




Facundo Almeyra

Product Designer based in Geneva🇨🇭 I enjoy creating user centric, delightful and human experiences. 👉 www.almeyra.com